Join the NIRI Virtual Chapter to form lasting connections and exchange ideas with investor relations professionals from all over! Membership enables you to tap into a community with a breadth and depth of industry experience to help support your work. Our vibrant, virtual community provides a supportive learning environment to promote member development and engagement through:
Monthly educational webinars that allow you to stay current on topics relevant to our industry (award–winning IR programs, investor targeting, proxy voting, board interaction, managing your career are but a few of the topics we regularly cover), as well as current trends in the capital markets, regulatory environment, the economy, and more:
- “Cafe Chats” updating members on NIRI National’s ongoing advocacy efforts and other on topics of importance to all IROs and corporate executives
- Chapter–hosted “Let’s Get Physical” in–person events for members to connect, network and meet face to face in locations around the US (and beyond!)
- Yearly “Lounge Lizard” party at the NIRI annual conference to socialize with fellow Virtual members – catch up with old friends and make new ones as well!
As a Virtual Chapter member, you will receive:
- Complimentary registration to all of our educational programs
- Let’s Get Physical events and the annual Tailgate Party and Lounge Lizard Party
- Members–only admission to our Advocacy Conference Calls
- CPE credits and access to our program archives
Joining is easy:
For only $125 in annual dues (in addition to your NIRI National membership), you too can enjoy the many benefits of membership!